I Think I'm Beginning to Feel The Baby Move
I should be a pro at this now. But those first little muffled taps are always so light that your doubt lingers for a little while. I am finding that I get better at discerning a true baby movement from everything else moving in there with each pregnancy. These taps have been low and consistent over the last few days.
At 14-15 weeks...the baby moves. Now the real fun begins.
At 14-15 weeks...the baby moves. Now the real fun begins.
Well Nana Knucker Hatch seems to be finding lots of subjects to post on. This one brings back memories a Mom just doesn't ever forget. That first "flutter of life". It is like God equips our children with angel wings that they flutter vigorously early on in their development. Soon enough they discover their feet, hands and elbows are also good for letting Mom know that they are calling the shots, especially when she thinks a few hours of sleep would be nice. But alas, as we Mothers know, their angel wings seem to fall off as they enter the real world. At least mine lost their wings and their halos!!
Amorette, you and Baby Knucker Hatch are in our prayers. Enjoy your third pregnancy! Can't wait to hold the little Hatchling!
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