Practice Makes Perfect
Perhaps after all that baby sewing, my body thinks I'm safe to go ahead and think about labor. Unfortuately, my Braxton Hicks has a tendency to kick up in the evening, when I finally sit down. Ken and I did a marathon viewing of the last disc for 24's last season, and sure enough, the BHs kicked in with the action on the screen.
All was uneventful until Jack woke up at 1:30 concerned about the unseen in his room. After tucking him back in bed, and starting his music again, it was back to bed. Jack was back an hour later concerned about the spooky things and monsters in his room. Open the blinds, tuck back in, reset music, and back to bed. To my disappointment, Mr. Braxton Hicks decided to climb in with me as I tried to doze back off, which set off my daily need for Tums and Pepcid tablets. Hicks was so strong this time, that it felt like a constant knot around my belly, no matter what position I shifted to. So I headed to the Dutailer rocker beside the bed thinking that a new postion might scare him off. Instead, the contractions began increasing in length and strength. My Dutalier has a history of setting me into labor (Grace), so I thought it might be wise to move elsewhere.
Hoping that more movement might chase BH away, I headed to the office. Long story - short, I finally was able to ignore the contractions, and crash on the office couch as they gradually decreased by 5:00am. My stomach still felt like a giant metal marble when I woke up, and didn't soften until a warm shower. I have never had to deal with BH contractions that kept me awake and launched their attacks under the cover of darkness. Hopefully, these boot camp sessions are almost over -- I'm ready for Operation Exit Faith.
All was uneventful until Jack woke up at 1:30 concerned about the unseen in his room. After tucking him back in bed, and starting his music again, it was back to bed. Jack was back an hour later concerned about the spooky things and monsters in his room. Open the blinds, tuck back in, reset music, and back to bed. To my disappointment, Mr. Braxton Hicks decided to climb in with me as I tried to doze back off, which set off my daily need for Tums and Pepcid tablets. Hicks was so strong this time, that it felt like a constant knot around my belly, no matter what position I shifted to. So I headed to the Dutailer rocker beside the bed thinking that a new postion might scare him off. Instead, the contractions began increasing in length and strength. My Dutalier has a history of setting me into labor (Grace), so I thought it might be wise to move elsewhere.
Hoping that more movement might chase BH away, I headed to the office. Long story - short, I finally was able to ignore the contractions, and crash on the office couch as they gradually decreased by 5:00am. My stomach still felt like a giant metal marble when I woke up, and didn't soften until a warm shower. I have never had to deal with BH contractions that kept me awake and launched their attacks under the cover of darkness. Hopefully, these boot camp sessions are almost over -- I'm ready for Operation Exit Faith.
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