Saturday, January 14, 2006

This Week Packs Another Punch

Emotional drain has invited physical drain to join the party in my body. The beginning of this week was so incredibly tough. I'm still struggling. However, my immune system must have plummeted as I have taken on one heck of a virus. My voice is gone. My eyes are glued shut with gunk. It hurts to cough and swallow. My ears hurt when I do swallow. Blowing my nose feels like I'm trying to blow out an egg yolk through a pin hole in an egg shell. Thankfully, I don't have a fever. Being pregnant, there is nothing I can take, which means getting more than two hours of sleep at a time isn't happening (why I'm here).

Now my concern is that I WILL go into labor feeling as I do, and/or that this will slowly touch the other loved ones in my family over the course of the next two weeks. Worse...The last thing I want is to pass this yuck on to a tiny newborn. The acronymn "RSV" is haunting me. My Braxton Hicks has picked back up, and now I can feel my body practicing "letting down" for the nursing soon in my future. I have yet to have an internal exam, and I had to cancel my appointment for this week, so I have little to go on.

I'm praying and praying that this stays isolated, and that Faith is feeling very comfortable about her close quarters. She is in the safest place she can be right now, until Mama gets better. She's probably wondering what stranger took over her Mama's body as when I do find my voice it is not a pretty sound.


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