Saturday, January 14, 2006

When Sick...Sew

I'm feeling slightly better this evening. I passed the time this afternoon sewing a baby bunting for Faith. It is basically a sleeveless fleece sack that zips up. They usually cost a good $20 at a children's store, but you can make them for about $4. I'm all for babies and comfort, so I plan on sewing a good number of these in different colors so that Faith can freely hang out sockless around the house in just a onesie and one of these snugglies.

I'm a decent seamstress when it comes to sewing anything rectangular, but throw neck holes and arm holes into the mix and I'm a mess. Poor Faith ended up with a straight jacket. Sewed right over the arms holes. Did I mention how dangerous it is to sew when you are sick? (It involves a lot of seam ripping.)

Maybe it was more of a subconscious thing...after all...she is my tiny tornado.

I'll add pictures tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What no pics still???

Sewing at 2am is also VERY dangerous, I know! Way too much use of the seam ripper. And too many bloody fingers....

2:04 PM  

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