Sunday, July 31, 2005

I Love Sundays

The chili is simmering on the stove. Butter roll dough is mixing in the breadmaker. Ken is crashed on the bed. The kids are upstairs playing Jumpstart computer games. And my faithful dog is at my feet. :)


Word of warning: Sitting next to your 3 year old with a laptop can be dangerous to your laptop computer. (Especially when they are painting).

Lesson #1 Learned: Don't move the old paint water over the top of your laptop.

Lesson #2 Learned: Water under your keypad reveals all sorts of new short cut keys and allows you to type 10 letters at a time with one key stroke!

Lesson #3 already noted: I'm the messy one. It was my spill.

Friday, July 29, 2005

I Think I'm Beginning to Feel The Baby Move

I should be a pro at this now. But those first little muffled taps are always so light that your doubt lingers for a little while. I am finding that I get better at discerning a true baby movement from everything else moving in there with each pregnancy. These taps have been low and consistent over the last few days.

At 14-15 weeks...the baby moves. Now the real fun begins.